B.A. in Biblical Studies with an Emphasis in Pastoral Ministry
While the Baccalaureate Degree offers a broad spectrum of scriptural insights, the emphasis on Pastoral Ministry fine-tunes this knowledge into actionable leadership. It's not just about understanding the Word but living it out, leading congregations, and embodying the essence of pastoral care.
Old Testament History and Literature (3 Credits)
Acts (3 Credits)
Pentecostal Theology (3 Credits)
Spiritual & Character Formation (3 Credits)
Preparing for Academic Success (3 Credits)
New Testament History & Literature (3 Credits)
Encountering God: An Introduction to Scripture (3 Credits)
Missio Dei (3 Credits)
College Writing and Research (3 Credits)
Introduction to Ministry (3 Credits)
Systematic Theology I (3 Credits)
Hermeneutics (3 Credits)
Introduction to Business (3 Credits)
Introduction to Psychology (3 Credits)
Church History (3 Credits)
Systematic Theology II (3 Credits)
Biblical Theology (3 Credits)
Foundations for Public Ministry & Communication (3 Credits)
Biological Science (3 Credits)
Pastoral Ministry - Pastor as Leader (3 Credits)
Pentateuch (3 Credits)
Bible/Theology Elective (3 Credits)
Introduction to Philosophy (3 Credits)
Pastoral Ministry - Homiletics II (3 Credits)
Pastoral Ministry - Pastoral Counseling (3 Credits)
Gospels (3 Credits)
Bible/Theology Elective (3 Credits)
General Education Elective (3 Credits)
Pastoral Ministry - Church Law (3 Credits)
Pastoral Ministry - Vocational Elective (3 Credits)
Apologetics (3 Credits)
Historical Books (3 Credits)
Prophetical Books (3 Credits)
Bible/Theology Elective (3 Credits)
Pastoral Ministry - Servant Leadership (3 Credits)
Pastoral Ministry - Vocational Elective (3 Credits)
Pauline Theology (3 Credits)
Bible/Theology Elective (3 Credits)
Ethics (3 Credits)
General Education Elective (3 Credits)
Pastoral Ministry - Vocational Elective (3 Credits)
Why Choose the B.A. in Biblical Studies with a Pastoral Ministry Emphasis?
Deepen Scriptural Insights
Dive deeply into the theological, historical, and literary facets of the Bible, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of God's Word.
Pastoral Preparedness
This emphasis specifically gears you towards pastoral excellence, focusing on leadership, counseling, and practical ministry.
Community & Mentorship
Learn alongside a community of like-minded believers and under the guidance of seasoned ministers who bring real-world pastoral experience into the classroom.
Growth & Reflection
This program fosters an environment of personal spiritual growth and reflection, setting the stage for authentic, impactful ministry.